Studimi në SHBA – Western Washington University

Western Washington University


Programe Bachelori : 

  • American Cultural Studies
  • Anthropology
  • Art and Art History
  • Asia University America Program
  • Biology
  • Canadian-American Studies
  • Chemistry
  • Communication Sciences and Disorders
  • Communication Studies
  • Computer Science
  • Design
  • East Asian Studies
  • Economics
  • Elementary Education
  • Energy Studies
  • Engineering and Design
  • English
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Environmental Studies
  • Finance and Marketing
  • Geology
  • Global Humanities and Religions
  • Health and Community Studies
  • Health and Human Development
  • History
  • Holocaust and Genocide Studies
  • Honors
  • Intensive English Program
  • International Studies
  • Journalism
  • Leadership Studies
  • Linguistics
  • Management
  • Material Science
  • Mathematics
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Science Education
  • Sociology


Kriteret e Pranimit : 

  • Diplome e shkolles se mesme
  • Liste notash e shkolles se mesme
  • Mesatare notash
  • Niveli i gjuhes Angleze


Dokumentacioni ; 

  • Kopje e diplomes se shkolles se mesme
  • Kopje e notave te shkolles se mesme
  • Faqet e pashaportes qe shfaqin foton, emrin e plote, ditelindjen dhe kombesine
  • Kopje e testit te nivelit te anglishtes
  • Leter  Motivimi


Aplikantet qe jetojne ne vende jashte BE duhet te dokumentojne qe kane mjaftueshem te ardhura per te jetuar ne SHBA

Bank Statement :

  • Jo me e vjeter se 3 muaj
  • Mund te jete ne cfaredolloj monedhe
  • I gjithe dokumentacioni duhet te jete ne gjuhen angleze ose i perkthyer ne kete gjuhe

Leter e firmosur + Bank Statement nga sponsori

  • Sponsori mund te jete kushdo, perfshire pjesetaret e familjes
  • Ne leter duhet te shprehet se sponsori do te mbuloje financimin
  • Bank statement nuk duhet te jete me e vjeter se 3 muaj
  • Mund te perdoret cfaredolloj monedhe
  • I gjithe dokumentacioni ne gjuhe angleze


Deadlines : 

  • 1 Nentor 2020 (Aplikimi kryesor)
  • 31 Janar 2021


*Te gjithe dokumentat qe nuk jane origjinalisht ne gjuhe Norvegjeze, Suedeze, Daneze apo Angleze, duhet te shoqerohen me perkthim te autorizuar te dokumentit origjinal ne gjuhen angleze.

*Te gjithe dokumentat duhet te ngarkohen ne format “.pdf



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