Studime në Norvegji- University of Oslo

Universiteti i Oslos

Programet Bachelor ;

  • Teologji luteriane
  • Mjekesi
  • Shkenca humane
  • Matematike
  • Shkencat e natyres
  • Shkencat sociale
  • Stomatologji
  • Mesimdhenie
  • The New Testament
  • Historical Protestantism
  • Interreligious studies
  • Jewish Religion and Literature in Persian and Hellenistic Periods
  • Canon and Canonicalization
  • Gender, Theology and Religion
  • Professional Ethics, Diaconal Science and Practical Theology
  • Religious Esthetics
  • Law
  • Centre for European Law
  • Department of Criminology and the Sociology of Law
  • Department of Private Law
  • Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law (NRCCL)
  • Department of Public and International Law
  • Norwegian Centre for Human Rights
  • Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law
  • Institute of Health and Society
  • Institute of Basic Medical Sciences
  • Institute of Clinical Medicine
  • Norwegian Centre for Mental Disorders Research (NORMENT)
  • Centre for Immune Regulation (CIR)
  • Centre for Cancer Biomedicine (CCB)
  • Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History
  • Department of Cultural Studies and Oriental Languages
  • Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas
  • Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages
  • Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies
  • Department of Media and Communication
  • Department of Musicology
  • Centre for Ibsen Studies
  • Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature
  • The Norwegian University Centre in St. Petersburg
  • The Norwegian Institute in Rome
  • Centre for French-Norwegian research cooperation within the social sciences and the humanities
  • Center for Development and Environment
  • Mathematics and natural sciences
  • Department of Biosciences
  • Department of Chemistry
  • Department of Geosciences
  • Department of Informatics
  • Department of Mathematics
  • Department of Physics
  • Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics
  • Department of Pharmacy
  • Department of Technology Systems
  • Centre for Entrepreneurship
  • Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics (CEED)
  • Centre for Material sciences and Nanotechnology (SMN)
  • Centre of Mathematics for Applications (CMA)
  • Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES)
  • Centre for Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (CTCC)
  • Centre for Innovative Natural Gass Processes and Products (inGAP)
  • Centre for Accelerator Based Research and Energy Physics (SAFE)
  • Institute of Oral Biology
  • Institute of Clinical Dentistry
  • Department of Sociology and Human Geography
  • Department of Political Science
  • Department of Psychology
  • Department of Social Anthropology
  • Department of Economics
  • Centre for technology, innovation and culture
  • ARENA – Centre for European Studies
  • Centre of Equality, Social Organization, and Performance (ESOP)
  • Department of Teacher Education and School Research
  • Department of Special Needs Education
  • Department for Educational Research
  • Centre for Educational Measurement at the University of Oslo (CEMO)
  • Inter Media


Kriteret e Pranimit 

  • Niveli i Anglishtes B2, IELTS, TOEF,  IBTC1 i avancuar


Dokumentacionet : 

  • Vizë studentore
  • Kopje e pasaportes
  • Diplomë gjimnazi e përkthyer dhe me vulë nga institucioni lëshues
  • Vertetim ku mund te qendroni gjatë kohes së studimeve

Aplikantet qe jetojne ne vende jashte BE duhet te dokumentojne qe kane mjaftueshem te ardhura per te jetuar ne Norvegji

Bank Statement

  • Jo me e vjeter se 3 muaj
  • Mund te jete ne cfaredolloj monedhe
  • I gjithe dokumentacioni duhet te jete ne gjuhen angleze ose i perkthyer ne kete gjuhe

Leter e firmosur + Bank Statement nga sponsori

  • Sponsori mund te jete kushdo, perfshire pjesetaret e familjes
  • Ne leter duhet te shprehet se sponsori do te mbuloje financimin
  • Bank statement nuk duhet te jete me e vjeter se 3 muaj
  • Mund te perdoret cfaredolloj monedhe
  • I gjithe dokumentacioni ne gjuhe angleze


Deadlines :

  • 1 dhjetor – afati per aplikimin kryesor (fillestar) ne portal
  • 15 dhjetor – afati per ngarkimin e dokumentacionit
  • 1 shkurt – afati per ngarkimin e rezultatit te testit te gjuhes angleze


*Te gjithe dokumentat qe nuk jane origjinalisht ne gjuhe Norvegjeze, Suedeze, Daneze apo Angleze, duhet te shoqerohen me perkthim te autorizuar te dokumentit origjinal ne gjuhen angleze.

*Te gjithe dokumentat duhet te ngarkohen ne format “.pdf ” .



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