Studies in Japan – University of Tokyo

The University of Tokyo was established in 1877 as the first national university in Japan. As a leading research university, university of tokyo offers courses in essentially all academic disciplines at both undergraduate and graduate levels and conducts research across the full spectrum of academic activity. The University aims to provide its students with a rich and varied academic environment that ensures opportunities for both intellectual development and the acquisition of professional knowledge and skills.


Undergraduate Admissions

Undergraduate Education System
University of Tokyo has a total of 10 Faculties, all of which offer undergraduate programs.
A key feature of the undergraduate education is that the first 2 years are devoted to the study of liberal arts and the acquisition of fundamental skills necessary for further study. From the third year, students proceed to one of the 44 departments in the 10 Faculties of the Senior Division and pursue their fields of specialization.

Enrolling in undergraduate Degree Programs Offered in Japanese


There are 2 processes for admission to the traditional undergraduate program of University of Tokyo

  •  One is for students who graduated from high schools in Japan( General Screening Test)
  • For students who graduated from high schools abroad(Special Screening Test).

As the majority of courses in the traditional undergraduate programs are taught in Japanese, a high level of proficiency in Japanese is required upon enrolment.


Special Screening Test

Special Screening Test is the admission for non-Japanese nationals without permanent residency in Japan. Students admitted through this screening proceed to the Senior Division faculty and department that they indicated in their university application form, provided that they fulfil the requirements of the Junior division.


Admission process

  • Comprehensive review of
  • Grades and other records from educational institutions from which the applicants graduated
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Scores from any standardized tests taken in the applicant’s home country
  • Second Screening
  • Written short essay
  • Interview
  • Admission decision
  • Enrolment

Undergraduate programs in English Programs in English at Komaba (PEAK)

PEAK is a Bachelor of Arts program based on the traditional liberal arts curriculum treasured by UTokyo. After 2 years of liberal arts education, PEAK students advance to the International Program on Japan in East Asia or International Program on Environmental Sciences. No prior knowledge of Japanese is required, but compulsory Japanese language courses are included in the curriculum.
PEAK is open to students who have received most of their school education in languages other than Japanese.


Admission Process

  • Application
  • First Screening
  • Document Review
  • Official school transcripts
  • Official examination results for academic ability, essay forms, evaluation forms, etc.)
  • Interview
  • Admission decision
  • Enrolment


Global Science Courses(GSC)

GSC is an all-English undergraduate transfer program for science students from around the world. Under GSC, selected students from universities outside of Japan are accepted into the 3rd year of undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Science (Dept. of Chemistry). Upon fulfilling all graduation requirements, students are awarded a Bachelor of Science degree from University of Tokyo


GSC transfer students receive :

  • A monthly scholarship of JPY 150000
  • Accommodation provided with fully supported monthly rent
  • Support form student tutors and TAs

Admission Process


  • First Screening : Document Review
  • Second Screening : Online Interview
  • Admission decision
  • Fall Admission

USTEP(University-wide Student exchange Program)

University of Tokyo accepts exchange students from partner universities with a Memorandum of Understanding concerning student exchange. Students can choose between TypeU and TypeG programs.
The TypeG program is designed for exchange students who will belong to one of the Graduate Schools and study research under the guidance of faculty members there. The TypeU program is designed for undergraduate students to take courses in English and/or Japanese at the Undergraduate College and Faculties.


Tuition and Fees

Pursuant to the memorandum on student exchange , exchange students are exempt from paying examinations fees, admission fees and tuition fees to UTokyo.


Exchange students may apply for University Housing arranged by UTokyo and live in one of the university’s residential facilities depending on the availability.

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