Studime në Suedi- Uppsala University

Uppsala University

Degët e Bachelor-it:

  • Game Design and Graphics
  • Game Design and Programming
  • Game Design and Project Management
  • Energy Transition – Sustainability and Leadership

Degët e Master-it:

1. Science and Technology

  • Bioinformatics
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Data Science
  • Earth Science
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Sustainable Destination Development

2. Medicine and Pharmacy

  • Biomedicine
  • Drug Discovery and Development,
  • Forensic Science
  • Global Health
  • Infection Biology
  • Innovative Medicine
  • Medical Nuclide Techniques
  • Medical Research
  • Molecular Medicine
  • Pharmaceutical Modelling

3. Humanities and Social Science

  • Accounting and Financial Management
  • Business and Management
  • Digital Humanities
  • Early Modern History
  • Economics
  • English
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Environmental Law
  • Euroculture
  • Game Design
  • Global Environmental History
  • Global Markets, Local Creativities
  • Holocaust and Genocide Studies
  • Humanitarian Action and Conflict
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Information Systems
  • International Humanitarian Action
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • International Tax Law and EU Tax Law
  • Investment Treaty Arbitration
  • Languages
  • Language Technology
  • Modern History
  • Peace and Conflict Studies
  • Political Science
  • Religion in Peace and Conflict
  • Russian and Eurasian Studies
  • Scandinavian Studies
  • Social Sciences
  • Sociology of Education
  • Statistics
  • Sustainable Management


Kriteret e Pranimit : 

  • Dipplome Bachelori në degën përkatëse
  • Nivel i gjuhës Angleze TOEFL/IELTS
  • Mesatare Notash


Dokumentacioni : 

  • Kopje  e diplomës  së gjimnazit
  • Kopje e notave të shkollës së mesme
  • Faqet e pashaportës që shfaqin foton, emrin e plotë, ditëlindjen dhe kombësinë
  • Letër motivimi
  • Kopje e testit të nivelit të anglishtes


  • Dokumentat që duhen dërguar nëpërmjet postës (pervecse te upload-ohen online):
  • Kopja e perkthyer e diplomes se shkolles se mesme
  • Kopja e perkthyer e diplomes se Bachelorit



Deadlines ; 

  • 28 Tetor afati i aplikimit
  • 5 Nëntor afati i ngarkimit të dokumentacionit


Te gjithe dokumentat qe nuk jane origjinalisht ne gjuhe  Suedeze, duhet te shoqerohen me perkthim te autorizuar te dokumentit origjinal ne gjuhen angleze.

*Te gjithe dokumentat duhet te ngarkohen ne format “.pdf ” .

*Dokumentat origjinale duhet te jepen pas mberritjes ne Suedi.


*Na kontaktoni në lidhje me aplikimin dhe informacione shtesë.

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