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Studies in England- Anglia Ruskin University

Anglia Ruskin University is one of the top 350 institutions in the world (Times Higher Education’s World University Rankings 2019), and welcomes students from over 185 countries to study there. The University is spread across campuses in Cambridge and Chelmsford. Anglia Ruskin University offers students plenty of choice, whatever they want to study. Anglia Ruskin […]

Studies in England- Anglia Ruskin University Read More »

Intensive German Courses- Humboldt Institut

Intensive German Courses The intensive German courses comprise 30 lessons of 45 minutes per week taught from Monday to Friday. The effective instruction covers all areas of language acquisition (reading, listening, speaking, writing and grammar). We attach importance to small classes with approximately 10 students taught by experienced teachers. This way students can improve their

Intensive German Courses- Humboldt Institut Read More »

Kurs intensiv i gjuhës gjermane- Humboldt Institut

Kurse Intensive Individuale në Gjermani Nxënësit në kurset intensive kanë mundësi të zgjedhin ndërmjet 25, 30 ose 40 orë mësimore prej 45 minutash në javë. Përmbajtja  e mësimeve do t’ju përshtatet nevojave të cdo nxënësi dhe  mund të përfshijë tema të përgjithshme por dhe specifike si për shembull : gjermanishte biznesi. Kurset intensive individuale mund 

Kurs intensiv i gjuhës gjermane- Humboldt Institut Read More »
