Western Community College

Western Community College (WCC) ofron dege te ndryshme studimi ne fushen e shendetit, biznesit, menaxhimit, kontabilitetit, IT dhe gjuhes angleze. Universiteti i perket komunitetit dhe vazhdimisht perpiqet t’i ofroje studenteve nje edukim te aksesueshem, te perballueshem dhe te nje cilesie te larte. Universitetit eshte i impenjuar per te ofruar nje grup sherbimesh akademike te cilat mbeshtesin suksesin e studenteve ne perftimin e arritjeve te tyre akademike, kulturore, dhe civile. Per te rritur suksesin e studenteve, dhe per te identifikuar dhe mbyllur boshlleqet ne nivelin e arritjeve, universiteti vlereson vazhdimisht rezultatet e te nxenit te studenteve, ne menyre qe te behen ndryshime per te permiresuar efikasitetin e mesimit dhe efektivitetin e institucionit. 

Western Community College i ka sherbyer komunitetit te Vankuverit qe nga viti 2012. Universiteti ka provuar te jete nje katalizator ne sjelljen e suksesit dhe kenaqesise ne jeten e shume studenteve, te cilet po ndjekin dhe po cojne me tej karrieren e tyre ne fushta e Kujdesit Shendetesor, Menaxhimit te Medikamneteve, Kontabilitetit dhe Llogarimbajtjes, Teknologjise se Informacionit dhe Menaxhimit te Biznesit. Western Community College, siguron vemendje individuale per secilin student, duke menaxhuar vazhdimisht nje raport te pershtatshem mesues-student dhe duke ndihmuar secilin student te zhvilloje nje plan karriere qe ploteson objektivat per zhvillimin e karrieres se tyre. 


Programet ne Western Community College jane te plota dhe intensive, dhe nje perfundim i suksesshem i jep studenteve aftesite dhe besueshmerine per te konkuruar per pozicionet me te mira, me me shume pergjegjshmeri, mundesi per perparim, dhe fitime me te medha. Universiteti, per disa programe ofron opsionet me kohe te pjesshme dhe me kohe te plote.



Programet qe Western Community College ofron jane:


  • Hospitality(Industria e Sherbimit)
  • Information Technology(Teknologji Informacioni)
  • Legal studies (Studime ligjore)
  • Post graduate Programs(Programe Pasuniversitare)
  • Live in Caregiver(Sherbimi i kujdesit)
  • Office Administration(Administrim Zyre) 
  • Health Care 
  • Child , Family and Community support (Suporti ndaj Femijes, Familjes dhe Komunitetit)
  • Business(Biznes)
  • English Language Programs(Programe te Gjuhes angleze)
  • Academic Preparation program(Programe te Pergatitjes Akademike)
  • Accounting(Kontabilitet)


Deget e kampusit.

  • Surrey Campus

Unit 201 8318 120 St Surrey, BC V3W 3N4


  • South Surrey Campus

Unit 204, 15850 24 Avenue, Surrey, BC V3Z 0GI


  • Abbotsford Campus

Unit 201, 3670 Townline Rd Abbotsford, BC V2T 5W8

Western Community College


Western Community College offers various courses in the fields of Health Care, Business /Management, Accounting , IT and English Language Programs.

The college belongs to the community and continually strives to provide an accessible, affordable, and high quality education to all of its students. It is committed to providing an array of academic and student development services that support students’ success in attaining their academic, cultural, and civic achievements. To enhance student success, and identify and close gaps in achievement levels, the college regularly evaluates student-learning outcomes, so that revisions can be made to improve course efficacy and institutional effectiveness.


Western Community College has been serving the Vancouver community since 2012.

Western Community College has proven to be a catalyst in bringing success and satisfaction into the lives of many students, who are pursuing and furthering their careers in the fields of Health Care, Medication Management, Accounting & Bookkeeping, Information Technology, and Business Management. Western Community College provides individualized attention to each student, by consistently managing an appropriate instructor to student ratio, and helping each student to develop a career plan that meets their objectives for their career development.  


Western Community College  programs are thorough and intensive, and successful completion gives students the skills and credibility to compete for better positions, with more responsibility, opportunities for advancement, and greater earnings.  The college offers both part-time and full-time program options for some programs. 



The programs that Western Community College offers are

  • Hospitality
  • Information Technology
  • Legal studies
  • Post graduate Programs
  • Live in Caregiver
  • Office Administration 
  • Health Care 
  • Child, Family and Community support
  • Business
  • English Language Programs
  • Academic Preparation program
  • Accounting


Campus locations

  • Surrey Campus

Unit 201 8318 120 St Surrey, BC V3W 3N4


  • South Surrey Campus

Unit 204, 15850 24 Avenue, Surrey, BC V3Z 0GI


  • Abbotsford Campus

Unit 201, 3670 Townline Rd Abbotsford, BC V2T 5W8


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